How To: Spring Security with SSO using Oauth2

The Problem Let’s face it, authentication and user identity management isn’t exactly easy. Also, I think I can safely say that for most developers it’s not the most fun thing either. Building our own system can add maintenance costs and...

Learning React: First Impressions

Recently my adventure into learning new technologies brought me into the world of React. For those who know me, this is way outside of my technology comfort zone. I haven’t touched a frontend JavaScript framework since AngularJS (no, that’s not...

Pardon My Kotlin

If you read the last post (and if not, then go check it out!), you may have noticed that the example code is all written in Kotlin. I even used Kotlin for the buildscript! I did this for several reasons,...

How To: Spring Caching with Two Cache Providers

The Problem In most cases with a Spring Boot app, we likely only ever have one cache provider. Spring Boot provides quite a few cache providers out of the box. But what happens if we want to use multiple providers...

Hello World!

Photo by Ole Witt Hello and Welcome to Lumberjack Dev! If you’d like to know a little bit more about me, then go ahead and check out the About page. If you’d like to know about what sort of content...